WOODY’S WORLD 21st June 2013

Posted: June 21 2013

‘A man has got to believe in something; I believe we’ll have another great day tomorrow’. WOODY!

We have just blown Taps over the loudspeaker after a exciting and frenetic evening’s horse racing in the mess hall. Yes folks, horse racing and gambling. But not real horses and certainly not real money. The senior cabin act as the horses and the junior cabin are the jockeys as they ‘race’ around the mess hall. The rest of us cheer and spectate and speculate. It is definitely one of the more popular and fun night-time events we do here at CM.

Being active and staying up a little later than usual was the least we could do after a rain/storm delayed start to the day. We got thumped pretty good by Mother Nature. She knocked out the power for a few hours and soaked everything, but we stood firm and here we are at the end of another great day.

Almost everything we planned to do we did, save for a few court sports. But soccer – my sport – was perfect on a damp, soft field. We even went in the lake too!

As we fast approach 11pm I’m happy to say that all is well – as I hope it is where you are tonight – so safely rest.

Goodnight everybody.

As ever…WOODY!

Woody's Word,